Tuesday, July 23, 2013

Good Gravycakes!!

This post is not about gravycakes...contrary to what the post title may lead you to believe.  This is merely an update on the life of Roly (me) and LTRH (long, tall, redhead - formerly the Hunk). 

Goodness!  Life has been topsy turvy lately.  LTRH and I have moved from a big empty house to a cozy apartment that we absolutely love!  It has carpet!!  :)  When it's all decorated and not a catastrophe, I'll post pictures.

This week's weigh-in will not be glorious, I can tell you that.  The stress of moving has driven me, well, through the drive thru more times than I would like to admit!  But I have to be accountable to the masses - I can't lie to you!!!  It's difficult to stay on plan when half of my household is one one residence, the other half is in another residence, and there are pieces in transit on highway 25.  This next week, though will be better.  I'll be settled in and can reacquaint myself with Jillian Michaels.  I promise.  You readers out there, hold me to it!

I have received a request for the Greenberry Muffins recipe. It is coming soon.  When I can find my way around my kitchen again, it will be the first thing I make!

Since creating this blog, I have just launched myself into blog world and it's so fascinating!  My favorite blogs are foodie blogs and those that are DIY sewing project related. I can't wait to sew maxi skirts and all kinds of stuff!  

Life is so great!  Heavenly Father has truly blessed me, despite my many, many shortcomings.  I'm eternally grateful to Him for His tender mercies and for his enduring love.

I hope y'all are having a great day!  :)  


  1. Megan, I think you're awesome for holding yourself publicly accountable! That, itself, shows dedication. Good luck with moving in! p.s. I dig the buttons you have on the side, I'll have to figure out how to do that....
    p.p.s. You're awesome

  2. Oh, Stacy Emett! You are so kind. :) Thank you for your words of encouragement. Personally, I don't feel all that dedicated; I just know that if a ton of people know that I'm trying to get my act together I'm more likely to actually do it.

    The buttons thing is way easy! Do you have a blog?

  3. What is your blog website?? I want to see it!
